The UN's telecom agency in historical perspective
My January 2015 talk on “The origins of ITU: Historical perspectives for today” presented an overview of the ITU’s historical background. Among others, it drew links between debates on net neutrality, privacy, surveillance and censorship in the 19th century and today.
The ITU’s adaptation of my talk was published in the English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese special anniversary editions of ITU News:
- The Origins of the ITU, and their Relevance Today
- Les origines de l’UIT et leur pertinence aujourd’hui
- El origen de la UIT y su importancia en la actualidad
- Истоки МСЭ и их значение сегодня
- جذور الاتحاد الدولي للاتصالات ومدى ملاءمتها لعالم اليوم
- 国际电联的起源及 对今天的启迪 - 专题报道
I also gave a short video interview about the ITU’s history.